Designed for different purposes

RTMP (Real-Time Messaging Protocol) and RTSP (Real-Time Streaming Protocol) are two different protocols used for the real-time transmission of multimedia content. Although they have similarities, there are also important differences between them.

  • Purpose: RTMP was originally designed to transmit real-time audio and video from a security camera or streaming server to a video player. On the other hand, RTSP was designed to allow clients to control the transmission of multimedia content, such as starting, pausing and restarting the transmission.

  • Streaming: RTMP uses a persistent TCP connection and a stream of data packets to transmit audio and video in real-time. RTSP, on the other hand, uses requests and responses to control the transmission of multimedia content.

  • Firewall support: RTMP uses static ports to transmit data, which means that it may have difficulty transmitting through firewalls. On the other hand, RTSP uses dynamic ports, which makes it easier to transmit through firewalls.

  • Integration with other protocols: RTMP is integrated with Adobe Flash Player, which means that many Flash-based video players can play content streamed via RTMP. On the other hand, RTSP is compatible with other data transmissions protocols, such as RTP (Real-time Transport Protocol), which means that it can be used with a wide variety of applications and devices.

Designed for different purposes

RTMP is a protocol designed to transmit audio and video in real-time from a security camera or streaming server to a video player, while RTSP is a protocol designed to allow clients to control the streaming video from a security camera or streaming server to a video player, while RTSP is a protocol designed to allow clients to control the streaming video from a security camera or streaming server to a video player.